
Intel: Poor Want 'Real' Computers

It appears Mr. Negroponte's $100 laptop is causing quite a stir.

If nothing else, it is encouraging a lot of people to think about providing access to technology for children around the world.

In a recent article with Wired News, Craig Barrett, CEO of Intel, disparaged the $100 laptop as a "gadget," Saying what people want is a computer, not a gadget. Hmmm. Do I sense a hint of jealousy in Mr. Barrett's words? He seems to do a lot of name calling throughout his comments.

"'Mr. Negroponte has called it a $100 laptop -- I think a more realistic title should be 'the $100 gadget',' Barrett, chairman of the world's largest chipmaker, told a press conference in Sri Lanka on Friday. 'The problem is that gadgets have not been successful.'"

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