
The Kids Aren't All Right

so i guess i didn't originally intend for this little ditty i call supposedly to consist mainly of links to articles that i find intriguing, but if it feels good do it. i really appreciate articles that sorta serve as wake-up calls to me and make me realize how i might not have understood exactly what's going on around me. this article's a review of a book by this guy Henry Giroux, but it's actually much more than that. it puts into perspective how we're all being conned into playing this goofy little game. we're systematically convinced to care about certain things, which actually may be of minor significance, when we are surrounded, literally, day by day by gross atrocities.
now let's just say, hypothetically, that our government was intending to push forth its own self serving interests while neglecting the wants and needs of the general population. if that were the case, wouldn't they do their best to convince us that something else matters besides what we know, truly does? they don't underestimate the populace, they know we're smart folks. so they come up with all sorts of distractions to prevent us from addressing real, down to earth everyday american realities.
well anyway, i digress. that's what this article's about. an author who does a way better job than i do to remind us about what we should really be paying attention to. phew.

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